Yesterday evening I was too tired to write something. After 45 km in 2 days I can say that I reached my limit. Completely tired, my muscles hurt bad and I have to fight with myself not to cry at every step that I make. OK, I exaggerate, because I actually love the pain of the muscles after a long incredible beautiful hike.
Saturday – Tegeler See hike – 17km (2h31):
Sunday – Grunewald – 28,5 km (4h18):
It was a hot weekend, but being between the trees it felt really good. I loved seeing the people taking a sunbath or swimming.
The things that I needed during these trips:
- good shoes (well I didn’t have, that’s why I recommend them, otherwise the next day you would have the same pain that I have right know)
- good clothes – I tried for the first time the Merino wool clothes – long sleeves, even if outside is warm, to protect against unwanted sunburn – they are nice, espectially because I didn’t smell bad after 4+ hours intense sport.
- hat to protect against the sun
- water – 1,5 bottle of still water
- food – sweets only (for energy, of course :-p ), but I didn’t need too much
- good music
- tissues
Maybe this time I did it too extreme, being the fact that I am not used to walk so long in such a short time, but I enjoyed it completely – I was able to discover my current limits, and how to improve me. The pain of the body is something that we humans can fight against, if we have a strong heart and mind. Heart, to desire to achieve something – and mind, to know how to achieve those things and how to manipulate our own fears.
And I am sure the eighty-years-old-me will thank me for this 🙂