Gagaku is a traditional imperial music. I wanted to know what it is, because it’s a very important part of the japanese culture. The concert was completely sold, so I expected something amazing. I did some research before on YouTube and saw what it means in general, so I was really eager to be part of this.After the first 5 minutes, the old guy next to me felt asleep. I had to fight with myself to stay awake for one hour. It was nice, but very very boring. At the break I run away like a coward. I pretended to have the 15 minutes outside, at fresh air, but I never intended to come back. I never run away from a boring concert, but this time I had to. It was either one more hour of inner fight to not sleep or discovering new places in Tokyo.
Roppongi Hills – this is a place where one can go and have a nice view over the city.
Zozo-ji Temple – near the Tokyo Tower, a very beautiful temple.