
We arrived in Oslo two days ago. We were very afraid that we will not be able to enter the country from Germany and that our entire vacation will be destroyed, like the way the entire year 2020 was, but we did. The Norwegians have different way of living, keeping distance is here normal since forever. The mask wearing is a recommendation and few use it. We did, it cannot harm anyone. The weather was both sunny and warm and sometimes it rained....


This was a one day trip to Stralsund. Because of the Corona Virus, the hotels are not yet open to the travelers. My room seen from the roof Roof view This is where I had some fish and chips. The place was cute, but the meal was terrible. Another corner of the restaurant. View from the roof during the night This was a nice walk on the promenade

Japan – total cost

Before going to Japan almost everyone that visited Japan told me that Japan is very expensive. I heard it so many times, that I actually thought that I will not afford 6 weeks in Japan as I planned. But it is not like that. Of course, if I would sleep in fancy hotels and eat every day in a restaurant it would be indeed expensive. But choosing guesthouses/cheaper hotels and eating from the convenience stores was not bad at all. And I could see...


From my point of view, Kofu is very underrated. When I was asked during my trip where else I plan to go and beside other cities I mentioned also Kofu, people looked confused at me and asked “Why Kofu?”. I actually changed the plans that I had to spend 3 days in Kofu, by spending just two and one to go back to Tokyo. Two nights I think they are enough, but I absolutely have no regret for coming here. From my perspective, Kofu is much...


In Matsumoto there’s the castle that actually is older than the one in Himeji, also the original one. When I was close to the entrance of the castle, a woman approached me (she was almost running to catch me) and asked me if I would like to accept to make a tour with her, it’s for free and it takes 1,5 hours. Of course I accepted and I am glad that she insisted, because the amount and quality of the information she gave me was pure...

Okuhida Onsengo

From Takayama I took the bus to Okuhida Onsengo, a place known for Spa (lots of hot springs) and the mountain views. The day when I arrived in the area had a warning of snowstorm. That means no view, but lots of snow. I took the gondola from Shinhotaka and went up on the mountain, through a snowstorm-wannabe. Up there were -9 degrees, very cold – I had two pants, 3 jackets and two scarfs and still felt the cold air in my bones. To take...

Takayama and Shirakawa-go

Takayama is a town deep in the Japanese Alps. The name of the town means tall mountains. What I found very beautiful about this place is the old traditional houses.From Takayama I did a tour to Shirakawa-go. Of course I could have gone with public transportation, but it would one way would cost 2600 yen, so in total 5400 yen and I paid 4300 yen (36 euro).The drive was 50 minutes. Unfortunately the weather was bad, it rained almost continuously...


I was two days in Kanazawa, the first day was sunny so I saw all the spots I wanted to see this day, second day was very rainy, so I took the chance and stayed in bed alllll daaaayyy long. It was good after so many weeks of everyday long walks.Temples:Kenrokuen Garden (300 yen, 2,5 euro):There are six elements that truly beautiful Japanese Garden should have: extensive space quiet seclusion human artistry old fashioned elegance flowing...

Kyoto Day 5, 6 & 7

Last 3 days were relaxed, I walked through the city, revisited places that I liked before, visited more temples. There are so many temples in Kyoto, unbelievable!The Kinkaku Temple – recognizable thanks to the gold color. Unfortunately going inside the temple is now allowed.Yesterday I hiked from Kibune to Kurama (both villages have a temple) and finished the day relaxing in an outside onsen at Kurama with view to the mountains.Kurama is a...

Kyoto Day 3 & 4

Kyoto has many temples and gardens, it not possible to keep up all of them, I am struggling to find some that are for memories. Because I find temples in general beautiful, even the smallest one has something beautiful or cute, maybe a lantern or a bonsai in a cute corner or a gorgeous roses bush.Today I saw two other temples and both had a garden. The gardens were beautiful, but I really saw better. Japan is these weeks red, most of my photos...

Kyoto: Day 1 & 2

Yesterday I arrived in Kyoto. Finally! I was waiting so much for this day and the expectations were really high.I make first a stop at the accommodation to leave my backpack and I ask the person that welcomed me where should I go for my first thing that I visit in Kyoto. He recommends me a temple around (it was not on my TO DO list) and I leave in that direction. The weather was a bit gray and all the buildings seemed gray, the temple was boring...

Miyajima: climb on Mt. Misen

The ride from Hiroshima to Miyajima island was 1:30 hours and costs one way 450 yen (3,75 euro) including the boat trip. Unfortunately the shrine is completely covered for renovation, but the island has much more to offer. Next time I will for sure see this shrine as well.The island was very crowded, even the ropeway was overwhelmed with thousands of people.I didn’t care about it anyway, because I wanted to hike to the peak. And so did...


The city of Hiroshima is so different compared with the other places that I saw. The story about the atomic bomb is so sad, grey. The museum tells so many stories, about children that died burned or because of the radiation, parents that saw their children dying in a terrible way. It’s really devastating and I could barely hold my tears. This place has to be visited my anyone who comes in Japan, it gives so many lessons about humanity and...

Himeji: the castle and the Engyo-ji temple

The castle in Himeji is known to be one of the most beautiful in Japan, being one of the best surviving Japanese castles, being built in 1333.The castle itself is empty and the rooms are made from wood. Everyone has to take their shoes off and carry them in a plastic bag through the castle, on those many stairs to the sixth floor. The entire experience was cold and funny in the same time.The people carrying the shoes:The Koko-en park close to...

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