Kyoto Day 5, 6 & 7

Last 3 days were relaxed, I walked through the city, revisited places that I liked before, visited more temples. There are so many temples in Kyoto, unbelievable!The Kinkaku Temple – recognizable thanks to the gold color. Unfortunately going inside the temple is now allowed.Yesterday I hiked from Kibune to Kurama (both villages have a temple) and finished the day relaxing in an outside onsen at Kurama with view to the mountains.Kurama is a...

Kyoto Day 3 & 4

Kyoto has many temples and gardens, it not possible to keep up all of them, I am struggling to find some that are for memories. Because I find temples in general beautiful, even the smallest one has something beautiful or cute, maybe a lantern or a bonsai in a cute corner or a gorgeous roses bush.Today I saw two other temples and both had a garden. The gardens were beautiful, but I really saw better. Japan is these weeks red, most of my photos...

Kyoto: Day 1 & 2

Yesterday I arrived in Kyoto. Finally! I was waiting so much for this day and the expectations were really high.I make first a stop at the accommodation to leave my backpack and I ask the person that welcomed me where should I go for my first thing that I visit in Kyoto. He recommends me a temple around (it was not on my TO DO list) and I leave in that direction. The weather was a bit gray and all the buildings seemed gray, the temple was boring...

Miyajima: climb on Mt. Misen

The ride from Hiroshima to Miyajima island was 1:30 hours and costs one way 450 yen (3,75 euro) including the boat trip. Unfortunately the shrine is completely covered for renovation, but the island has much more to offer. Next time I will for sure see this shrine as well.The island was very crowded, even the ropeway was overwhelmed with thousands of people.I didn’t care about it anyway, because I wanted to hike to the peak. And so did...


The city of Hiroshima is so different compared with the other places that I saw. The story about the atomic bomb is so sad, grey. The museum tells so many stories, about children that died burned or because of the radiation, parents that saw their children dying in a terrible way. It’s really devastating and I could barely hold my tears. This place has to be visited my anyone who comes in Japan, it gives so many lessons about humanity and...

Himeji: the castle and the Engyo-ji temple

The castle in Himeji is known to be one of the most beautiful in Japan, being one of the best surviving Japanese castles, being built in 1333.The castle itself is empty and the rooms are made from wood. Everyone has to take their shoes off and carry them in a plastic bag through the castle, on those many stairs to the sixth floor. The entire experience was cold and funny in the same time.The people carrying the shoes:The Koko-en park close to...

Kobe: the beef steak, herbal garden, the waterfront

What an amazing city is Kobe!! I liked it much more than Osaka.The first thing I did when I arrived in Kobe was to eat a Kobe beef steak. The restaurants open at 11:00, i was there at 10:55 and it was already a queue. But I managed to go inside, even if the restaurant was a very small one.My plate looked like this:For 100 g Kobe beef loin steak I paid 30 euro. And this was a cheap place. But it was a medium rare perfect steak!!With fresh forces...


Today was the third day since I am in Osaka. The city is big, but the touristic highlights are not many. The most important I think is the Osaka Castle:On the second place from my point of view is Spa World. I paid 1300 yen (11 euro) for a full day in the biggest onsen in the world. It has two floors that switch between men and women every month, the Europe and Asian spa. This month for women was the Europe spa. I could bath in a miniature...

Nara: Mount Wakakusa

Because I wanted to avoid for at least some hours the crowds (especially because today was again a wonderful day + Saturday, so crowds guaranteed!!) I left the guesthouse at 8. The park was indeed much nicer to visit.I continued the walk in the direction Mount Wakakusa. When suddenly:I used the Google Translate app and it seems that this is a Warning Sign that Vipers might appear. Vi-What?!?? Are there snakes in Japan?!?!!!I presumed that this...

Nara: the great Buddha and the deer park

After a 2-and-a-half hours trip by bus I arrived finally in Nara. The city was already very awake at 10:00. Many tourists already invaded the deer park. It was a wonderful autumnal sunny day over an authentic japanese city.The first thing that I noticed and I was impressed by were the deers. They are everywhere in the city center, free, running eager to the tourists that have the special biscuits for them. It’s really funny to see the...

Nagoya: Toyota Museum and Osu Kannon

Yesterday I arrived in Nagoya, the city that was voted by the japanese the most boring city in Japan. I didn’t see much of Japan, but I tend to believe them. I think if they would try a bit more, this city could be also beautiful. Walking through the city made me wonder if I am still in the city center and not somewhere outside.The trip from Odawara to Nagoya was with the Shinkansen. My frist trip ever with the Shinkansen. If it was expensive?...

Hakone and Lake Ashi

A trip to the Lake Ashi is the default day trip once in Hakone. Actually this is from my point of view the only reason why to come here. From Gora I took the local bus and for third of the price the other people using more touristic transportation paid for (500 yen vs 1500 yen), I arrived to the lake. From here I purchased a ticket for a round trip with a boat (Pirate boat), economy class, 1930 yen (16 euro). This round trip has two more stops....

Odawara and Hakone Gora

Today very early in the morning I started my trip to Hakone Gora. Gora is 100 km away from Tokyo; this region is known for the hot springs.I took first the train to Odawara. The train was incredible full for half of the time.In the city of Odawara I found the Castle in the center, very close to the main station. It’s a reconstructed castle, finished in 2015. I wasn’t inside, because I read reviews that there are no english translations and I...

Tokyo Day 8 – saying goodbye to the city

Today was the last day in Tokyo, tomorrow morning I will continue my trip to Hakone Gora. I will start very early in the morning, because I have 3 hours to get there and I want to have enough time to see everything what it’s to see. I will be in Hakone for 2 days.So today I had a small walk in the city again, checked some shops and having a really relaxed Sunday.At Senso-Ji I discovered a small lake with beautiful fishes:Because Tokyo forbids...

Tokyo Day 7: Gagaku, Roppongi and Zozo-ji

Gagaku is a traditional imperial music. I wanted to know what it is, because it’s a very important part of the japanese culture. The concert was completely sold, so I expected something amazing. I did some research before on YouTube and saw what it means in general, so I was really eager to be part of this.After the first 5 minutes, the old guy next to me felt asleep. I had to fight with myself to stay awake for one hour. It was nice, but very...

Tokyo Day 6: Kabuki and Tori-no-ichi Festival

I heard many things about Kabuki before and I was really excited about the Kabuki Show that I planned since some weeks already. The ticket was 14000 yen (116 euro) and the place was not amazing. The places with good views were even double price. The show started at 16:30 and at 20:30 it ended. There were two breaks, one of 35 minutes and one of 15 minutes. During the long break it’s the dinner break, some people decided to go in the restaurant...

Tokyo Day 4: The National Museum

If there is one museum that one wants to see in Tokyo, then it’s the Nation Museum. I spent almost 6 hours in this museum and at some time, because of lack of time and because I wanted to see everything, I had to rush, so probably it makes sense to see it in 2 visits.The museum has 4 building: the asian art Toyokan (China, Cambodia, Korea, Vietnam etc), the japanese art Honkan, the Archeology Museum and the Gallery of Horyuji Treasures. There...

Tokyo Day 3: Ueno, Skytree and Shinjuku

Today I woke up very late, at 12. Last few days were very tiring and in the end I needed lots of sleep.Waking up so late has some advantages: you skip the breakfast (so you save money) and you can have directly an amazing and delicious lunch. Which I had: tonkatsu – some kind of Schnitzel, but much thicker, from pork meat. The meal contained a tonkatsu (Special cut, which was half more expensive – because I am a tourist), a big...

Second day in Tokyo: Akihabara and teamlab Planets

Today morning I headed on foot directly to Akihabara, the Dreamland for Gamers. There were unnumbered buildings with 6 floors each, were thousands of games, gamers were concentrated. For a Monday morning, I suppose they were still empty compared with the weekends. In one of these floors there were music games and I really liked watching a guy dancing a kind of sport dance (he was really good, probably after hours of training!!) on a Dance Game...

First day in Tokyo

What a crazy city! And amazing!The first day was very overwhelming, so many sounds, people, colors, lights, everywhere.The subway is a maze, with so many lines that connect many times, you can spend hours in the underground, walking. Some platforms are so long, that once I walked from one end to the other, the next train already arrived. Bringing many people with it. The platforms have some kind of security barrier, i suppose it’s to...

Japan – the arrival

Today i finally arrived to Tokyo, after two years of planning and dreams. The flight was with LOT Polish – not too expensive, they had good service, the sit was ok, but I couldn’t sleep. At all. I tried to, but didn’t work. I closed all the electronics that could distract me, used ear plugs, even drank a glass of white wine before, but couldn’t sleep. None of the people around me could.The flight was with stop in Warsaw...

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